Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Next Event

Hi Guys,

we will be meeting for the next race at Scott's track on Saturday 1/31 at 1:00pm. Please use the comments section below to let us know, if you are able to make it.

While in Stuttgart last weekend, I could visit the Porsche Museum one more time. I think it never gets boring! Always something new to see. Unfortunately none of my favorite 908/3's were there, this time.

 A well known car for us...
The first car Porsche entered for the 24h of  Le Mans.

Not only the cars - the building is spectacular.

The caption on the display says: "Pleasant memories of over 30,000 motorsport victories, which eloquently speak of the success of Porsche."

Looking forward to race!

See you soon!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Comments and other....

Also, it is a little confusing with the comments - if there hasn't been left any comments, you will have to click on "No comments", which will then open the comment box.

Comments are always encouraged!

Not sure how everybody gets their email delivered, but within the Gmail surface in the browser, you can click on the "Carrera D124 Piston Cup" - it acts as a link that gets you straight to the blog. Not sure how it works if you have your email set up via other services or delivered through Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, etc.. Thought I mention it.... 



2nd Run at the Speedrome

The second run is in and the points have been updated. Seems like Bruce is putting quite some pressure on, this season!
You can find a video about this event in the video section.

Thanks to Paul for a great dinner - as always!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Added some stuff

Ok, I have been tinkering with this blog now for a few days and things seem to get a little easier. I have added some more pages with pictures, video and standings. Also installed one of my old laptops in the basement to allow a permanent webcam - this will allow live stream onto the blog while we are racing here. It's kinda fun.

I also checked how many people have signed up for email notification - it's 11 already. Will have to poke a few people to sign up, because I really don't want to do the texting anymore.

I guess that's it for today. If somebody has an idea to add features or to change something, then let me know.
