Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Next Event

Hi Guys,

we will be meeting for the next race at Scott's track on Saturday 1/31 at 1:00pm. Please use the comments section below to let us know, if you are able to make it.

While in Stuttgart last weekend, I could visit the Porsche Museum one more time. I think it never gets boring! Always something new to see. Unfortunately none of my favorite 908/3's were there, this time.

 A well known car for us...
The first car Porsche entered for the 24h of  Le Mans.

Not only the cars - the building is spectacular.

The caption on the display says: "Pleasant memories of over 30,000 motorsport victories, which eloquently speak of the success of Porsche."

Looking forward to race!

See you soon!



  1. Don't think I can make it. Darn! Pat

  2. And welcome home, Seb

  3. I'm in. Steve Nemoff

  4. I'll be there....Steve D. Sweet pictures.

  5. Will not be able to make it. Will come home from Mexico after almost 3 weeks away from Family.
    Nice pics!

  6. I was in, but now I'm out. Unfortunately I need to work this weekend for a deadline Monday. :(
