Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Special Guest

We will get together on Friday, August 12th. Doors open at 6:00. A special guest from out of town will join us....

We will grill sausages - haven't really done this in a long time, anyway.

I hope you can all make it!

See you then!




  1. I'm in. Hopefully it's a stripper!! Fingers crossed Steve D.

    1. I'm in. I'll be sure to bring extra singles!

  2. Sounds great Seb, I hope to be there, but will depend on if I'm in town that weekend.

  3. Thanks. I won't be able to make it. Hate to miss out. Really want to know who the special guest is. Pat

  4. All tires are ready and back in stock. Well, except the Aston.

  5. I'm in.
    Well Bruce, you figured it out. I will be the guest stripper that evening. I'm not cheap, bring 20s not singles.

  6. Sorry couldn't figure out how to post this as an original post so I did it in the replies area:



    Not sure if you guys have ever seen this, it's less than 10 minutes--the length of one reel of 35mm film--mounted to the bumper of a Mercedes driving through Paris in 1976 at 5:30am. Not legal or sanctioned AT ALL. The director dubbed in the sound of his Ferrari 275 GTB so some of the sound and motion don't quite work, but overall, with the camera mounted so low and the roar of the V12 it gives a very convincing impression of going faster than he really was. The heel-and-toe downshifts are awesome sounding! The Wikipedia article details it well. Great car flick and I was happy to find it on YouTube. Enjoy!

  7. Matt,

    I'm happy to pay in $20's for you to keep your clothes on!! LOL

  8. I plan to attend.
    Steve N.

  9. Not sure if my reply went through, but, I want to attend, but will need to borrow a car. Can anyone loan me a car so that I can have fun too? This is Kevin.

  10. So, being that you hoodlums seem to be always willing to help me out, you can count on me being there on the 12th. See you soon, Kevin.

  11. Thanks Seb and Paul, had a great time. Cool that Dave stopped in too, nice to see what Carrera is doing n xt.
