Thursday, August 18, 2016

This Friday...

Last Friday was indeed a lot of fun and turn out was record breaking! I hope everybody had a good time. To have Dave here and get some of the insight was great - of course to see upcoming samples of cars, as well. Not to forget the box with "goodies"!
Thanks to Paul for standing in the heat, grilling sausages!

It seems I will have time on hand this Friday and wanted to see if people wanted to come over for some racing - I know it's pretty short notice.

Let me know!



  1. This is Kevin. I'm in. I need the practice, and my own car. Hopefully Bruce will attend to guide me. Whatever, Seb, I'll be there.

  2. I'm out. Got to do a few things around here the couple of minutes it won't be raining.

  3. Have other plans, so I cannot attend.
    Steve N.

  4. Can't make it either Seb. We have dinner plans next door. :( We are out Saturday too.
    If u don't have the event let me know

  5. Next Sunday would be good too.
