Monday, May 8, 2017

24h Le Mans 2017

As some of you might have already seen on SCI, we are planning a 6h endurance race for Saturday June 17th. The 24h of Le Mans are being held that weekend as well - so, what better than watching the big guys and running a endurance race ourselves.
We are planning to start the event at 10:00am, to give out of town racers the chance to get familiar with the track. It'll be a 2 driver team event, as we have done in the past, with equal drive time for each driver. Racing will start at 2:00pm.

Please let me know, if you can make - I will keep this post updated with all the confirmed racers.


- Bruce
- Seb
- Ed
- Jamie
- Steve N
- Pat
- Steve D
- Brian 
- Paul
- Josh


  1. Cool, this will be awesome, night racing too!

  2. Count me in!
    Steve N.

  3. Gonna have to sit this one out. I will be in Indy for the Vintage Racing weekend. You guys have fun!

  4. Looks like you need a 12th driver to round out the field. I'm in! Miss racing with you guys. Let me know if I can bring anything.
