Saturday, October 28, 2017

Short notice practice

Super short notice for tomorrow, Sunday 10/29 - starting at 2:00. Let me know, if you can make it.



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

6h Turkey Day Race

Hello there,

it has been a long time since we raced last - mid June for the 6h enduro was the last time to be exact. I hope everyone had a great summer - now that it is getting cooler again and outside activities getting less, it is time to restart the racing season.
One of the main reason for this post is to get feedback, if we should host a 6h Turkey Day Race this year. It'll depend on all of you and your participation....

Thanksgiving is going to be on Thursday, Nov. 23rd.. We could either host the race on Saturday, Nov. 25th., or the Saturday before Thanksgiving, Nov. 18th.

Please let me know, if you are interested and/or the preference of  date. 

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

