Sunday, April 5, 2015

Piston Cup Final

The points are in and it was a tight race between Paul and Scott for 3rd position. Scott was racing strong enough,  for Paul not to have a big "home" advantage.
There was 6 events held for this Piston Cup, 42 races for each driver and we ended up counting 36  out of the 42 races.
There is/was a bit of a struggle with the software, due to new firmware release from Carrera, new software from Bruce Yingling and installing new computers on multiple tracks.
I'm sure things will be smoother, ones we take on the next piston cup some time later this year. Bruce Yingling is working on a software update, allowing car and driver rotation - in fact I already have the beta version to test. This will help with keeping track of points during events.

John, who has been racing with us for the last couple events has built a digital track in his basement. It seems to be promising in size and layout and could be a lot of fun to include in the future!

With the1st 2015 Piston Cup being finished, I'm looking forward to some team endurance races - hope we'll have enough people to sign up.

Thanks everybody, it was a lot of fun!




  1. Thanks Seb for putting all the races together since the rest of us aren't smart enough. My 3rd place trophy is proudly displayed on my track even though you will make me move it. I think the endurance races should be for 1 hour with 2 drivers. This will level the playing field. Just my 2 cents. See you guys in the winner circle . Thanks Scott

  2. Seb, Thank you for all of your hard work and making the digital racing so great. I look forward to some enduro's this summer. Good to see new faces on the podium. Congratulations to all. For the record I have started to accumulate track to build a second track at my building on Gilbert Ave. Maybe it will be ready for an endure too.

  3. Really appreciate Seb's efforts and all the track owners. Most fun in slot racing and even better group of guys. Team Enduro? Yes.
