Sunday, May 8, 2016

First race with urethane tires

The turn out last Sunday was great! We were 10 and could welcome 2 newcomers - Kevin and Jason! It was the first race with the new urethane tires. Some seemed to have a little trouble to get them trued, so not all the cars did perform as they could have. This will be resolved for the next race, so it is expected to have all cars being competitive once again.

We started to enforce penalties for reckless driving - if somebody on the inner lane gets caught to cause somebody else in the outer lane to come off, then we will send the causing racer into the pits for a 3 second penalty. The other car gets placed on the track where the car would have been without the wreck. This way there's no negative impact for the car that got thrown off the track. With this in place, the racing was very civilized and track calls were at a minimum.

Now, that the changeover to new tires is complete, we can keep going on the Piston Cup 2016. Hopefully with more frequent events.

See you all next time!



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