Monday, December 28, 2015

Cheetah test and tune night

Lets get together and make the Cheetah's work....

Wednesday, 12/30 starting at 6:00pm

Please let me know who is coming.



Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Racing at Scott's

We will meet at Scott's on Sunday, 27th at 1pm.
Let us know if you can make it.



Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ok, let's try this again....

Let's race over here on Sunday, 11/1 at 1:00. 

Who can make it?



Sunday, October 18, 2015

3rd Turkey Run Endurance Race

Because we do need a lot of drivers for such event, I wanted to check the availability for Saturday, 11/28. We could start as early as 11am, so that people still have time for their Saturday night commitments.
I would like to have this race last 3 hours with teams of 2 drivers - just like we did in the past.

Please check your calendars and respond no later than Sunday, 10/25, if you can make it. As a minimum, we need to have 10 drivers and no more than 12.

I will announce on 10/26, if it will take place.



Friday, October 9, 2015

Racing at the Speedrome

We will be racing at Paul's on Friday, 10/16 at 6pm.

Looking forward....



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hello there....

Wow, summer has almost past and the race track got really dusty! It's time to Change this - we will meet and race here at the Überring on Sunday 9/20 at 1:00pm.

Looking forward to see you all!



Monday, July 27, 2015

Cobra Speedway

We will be racing on Sunday, 8/2 at 1:00 at Scott's house.

Looking forward!



Tuesday, July 7, 2015

John's track

We will race Sunday, 12th at 1:00 at john's track. I will send his address in separate email.



Friday, July 3, 2015

John's track

After a lot of back and forth, John has reported that all of his track is working now! So, we are going to race at John's house. We have two options - either Friday 7/10 in the evening or Sunday 7/12 in the afternoon. We will wait and see for the replies and decide by mid week which day it's going to be.

John's track is approx. 120', which is the same as Cobra Speedway and the Überring. 

I will forward his address in a separate email. 

Looking forward to see you at John's house!



Sunday, June 7, 2015

24h Le Mans

So, it is already that time of year again - it seems time is constantly getting by faster! Anyway, kind of short notice, but would like to invite for Saturday 6/13.
I know some of you are busy that weekend and I also know that it is kind of short notice, but hey, I thought I try.

I figured, we hold on to the Bavarian breakfast tradition and grill some sausages in the late afternoon/evening, between some of our own racing and watching the race in Le Mans unfold. Doors open at 11:00.

Please let me know as soon as you know if you can make it or not.

Looking forward to it!


Friday, May 1, 2015

Here we go...

It has been a while, spring has come around and it's time to get together and race! We are racing at the Überring on Saturday 5/9/2015 at 5:00pm.
Depending on attendance we could either just run single races or if enough show up an endurance race.
I chose the later time so everybody can get their grass cut and do all the other things around this busy time of year.

Hope to see you all!



Monday, April 6, 2015

New Track

I was talking to John - he is working on his new track, whenever he finds time. He will have it ready by this weekend and he would like to extend an invitation for Saturday 4/11/15 at 4:00pm.
No specific race format, just a relaxed hanging out with some racing, of course. ; -))

So, let us know if you want to come over and I will text you his address.



Sunday, April 5, 2015

Piston Cup Final

The points are in and it was a tight race between Paul and Scott for 3rd position. Scott was racing strong enough,  for Paul not to have a big "home" advantage.
There was 6 events held for this Piston Cup, 42 races for each driver and we ended up counting 36  out of the 42 races.
There is/was a bit of a struggle with the software, due to new firmware release from Carrera, new software from Bruce Yingling and installing new computers on multiple tracks.
I'm sure things will be smoother, ones we take on the next piston cup some time later this year. Bruce Yingling is working on a software update, allowing car and driver rotation - in fact I already have the beta version to test. This will help with keeping track of points during events.

John, who has been racing with us for the last couple events has built a digital track in his basement. It seems to be promising in size and layout and could be a lot of fun to include in the future!

With the1st 2015 Piston Cup being finished, I'm looking forward to some team endurance races - hope we'll have enough people to sign up.

Thanks everybody, it was a lot of fun!



Monday, March 30, 2015

Where? When? What?

Yes, it's going to be the 4th, it's going to be at Paul's, but we will meet at 3:00pm instead of 1:00pm.

I hope this doesn't change anything for anybody.

Looking forward to see you all!



Friday, March 27, 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Piston Cup Final Event

We will meet at the Speedrome (Paul's) on April 5th at 1:00. This will be the final event for the first 2015 Piston Cup.
I hope we can get all the racers together for this event, as it is almost promised to be a very tight race for 2nd and 3rd place.
Don't forget to think about the points and how we should calculate the final standings - if we get several suggestions, I would like to take a vote?

Get your cars ready!

See you then.



Sunday, March 22, 2015

One more to go!

The 1st Piston Cup of 2015 is coming to a very tight end, it seems. Scott could improve on his overall position and moved into 3rd place.
With only one more event to go, it is up to Paul to bring on his A game, to claim his spot on the podium back, or perhaps Matt it pushing by as well!?
During the next event we will have to discuss and agree upon, how many races/events we will count for the cups final points count - maybe everybody can think about this, so we have some option on hand.

Overall it was good racing today!

Thanks to Scott and Debbie for the great chicken dinner!



Monday, March 16, 2015

It's about time....


It has been quite some time, but we are doing it again!! We will meet for another run of the Piston Cup at Cobra Speedway (Scott's). This will be the second to last event for the 1st Piston Cup 2015. The final event will be held at the Speedrome.
Doors will open at 1:00pm, Sunday, March 22nd.

I hope a lot of you can make it.

Looking forward!


Monday, February 16, 2015

Results are in

Started out with 9 racers - unfortunately 2 had to leave early. All in all, it seems the racing gets closer and closer. Bruce and Scott are holding on to the fast pace they have shown in the last race as well.
Paul has been surpassed by Bruce and Scott is right on Paul's tail - he better gets a few good scores in during the next event.
I think the next time will be on Paul's track, so he might have some advantage there...

See you next time.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Next Race

Here we go! Get ready!

Sunday 2/15 at 1:00pm at the Überring!

Please let me know if you can make it.

See you then.


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Cobra Speedway

Attendance at this one was not as high as anticipated. We were only 7 this time, which made for a rather short event.
The results are updated - Scott had a pretty good day and it seems he is pushing through the field from behind. Let's see if he can keep running as good the next time.

Thanks to Scott for hosting and the yummy pizza!

Here is a link to the lead I'm using for the Porsche - used to buy it at a local store, but they can't order it anymore due to health hazards
For everybody not familiar with McMaster, it's worth to just look around and see what they all have. It's pretty amazing. The best is that most everything ships the same day. Or, put in other words, if you just wanted to buy the lead, I'm pretty sure you will find something else you are going to order. ; -))

Next race will be at the Überring.



Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Next Event

Hi Guys,

we will be meeting for the next race at Scott's track on Saturday 1/31 at 1:00pm. Please use the comments section below to let us know, if you are able to make it.

While in Stuttgart last weekend, I could visit the Porsche Museum one more time. I think it never gets boring! Always something new to see. Unfortunately none of my favorite 908/3's were there, this time.

 A well known car for us...
The first car Porsche entered for the 24h of  Le Mans.

Not only the cars - the building is spectacular.

The caption on the display says: "Pleasant memories of over 30,000 motorsport victories, which eloquently speak of the success of Porsche."

Looking forward to race!

See you soon!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Comments and other....

Also, it is a little confusing with the comments - if there hasn't been left any comments, you will have to click on "No comments", which will then open the comment box.

Comments are always encouraged!

Not sure how everybody gets their email delivered, but within the Gmail surface in the browser, you can click on the "Carrera D124 Piston Cup" - it acts as a link that gets you straight to the blog. Not sure how it works if you have your email set up via other services or delivered through Lotus Notes, MS Outlook, etc.. Thought I mention it.... 



2nd Run at the Speedrome

The second run is in and the points have been updated. Seems like Bruce is putting quite some pressure on, this season!
You can find a video about this event in the video section.

Thanks to Paul for a great dinner - as always!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Added some stuff

Ok, I have been tinkering with this blog now for a few days and things seem to get a little easier. I have added some more pages with pictures, video and standings. Also installed one of my old laptops in the basement to allow a permanent webcam - this will allow live stream onto the blog while we are racing here. It's kinda fun.

I also checked how many people have signed up for email notification - it's 11 already. Will have to poke a few people to sign up, because I really don't want to do the texting anymore.

I guess that's it for today. If somebody has an idea to add features or to change something, then let me know.
